I dont dress for fashion police

Posted by pawon on Monday, January 18, 2010

Bond girl Eva Green is known for her quirky sense of style and the Hollywood beauty says that she dresses up for herself, not the fashion police.

The French actress who is often slated for her eccentric choices said that she does not regret wearing any of the outfits that have brought her criticism, reported Times online.

"I never regret anything I wear, it's simply not worth it. Some people think that the way I dress is over the top and a bit eccentric, but I'm just having fun and dressing up for myself," said the BAFTA winning actress.

Unlike other Hollywood beauties who collect shoes and bags, the 'Casino Royale' actress has a fetish for silk scarves and loves vintage dressing.

"I loved all my costumes in Cracks (her new film). I'm crazy about that everyday Thirties look. I wore beautiful high-waisted trouser suits, head scarves and gorgeous printed silks. I have more scarves than any one else I know," said Green.

The actress loves fashion but dislikes the pressure it puts on people to look thin.

"I don't like the pressure for everyone, including men, these days to be really thin," said Green.

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